
Cassava Bobó Recipe

Bobó is one of the most traditional flavors in Brazilian cuisine, and after learning how to make it, you can prepare it whenever you want! For this, count on Specialfood and check out the cassava bobó recipe below! Ingredients for making cassava Bobó:  1 kilogram of cassava  3 units of peeled tomatoes  2 tablespoons of tomato pulp  1 unit of onion  3 cloves of garlic  3 tablespoons of butter  1 can of green corn  1 handful of grated cheese  200 milliliters of coconut milk  green smell  Black pepper  salt How to make Manioc Bobó: The first step of the cassava bobó recipe is to peel, cut and place the cassava, cooking it in salted water until it becomes soft. When the cassava is ready, drain the water and let it cool a little. Then transfer it to a blender and blend together with the coconut milk. Reserve. In a pan, sauté the chopped onion and garlic along with the butter. When they are golden, add the chopped tomatoes and the tomato pulp, stir and cook a little longer. At this point you

Shrimp Bobo Recipe

Bobó is a creamy dish typical of Brazilian cuisine. Its ingredients are coconut milk, cassava and palm oil, to which others such as shrimp are added. Learn yourself, with the help of Specialfood, how to prepare shrimp bobó! Check out the step by step below! Ingredients for making Shrimp Bobó:  500 grams of peeled or whole shrimp  1 kilogram of cassava  4 cloves of garlic  1 unit of onion  200 milliliters of coconut milk  4 tablespoons of butter  4 tablespoons of palm oil  2 tablespoons of olive oil  4 tablespoons of chopped fresh cilantro  1 unit of girl's finger pepper  Black pepper  salt How to make Shrimp Bobó: The first step of the shrimp bobó recipe is to peel, cut and cook the cassava in a pan with water and a little salt until it becomes soft. Remove from heat, drain and let cool. In a large skillet, place the olive oil, the peeled and chopped garlic and cook. When they are golden, add the shrimp, a little salt, black pepper and let it cook. In another pan, saute the onion i